Watch Intuitive Machines land private Athena probe at the lunar south pole today

金钰婷    郑州航空工业管理学院
时间:2025-03-07 语向:英-中 类型:航空 字数:1032
  • Watch Intuitive Machines land private Athena probe at the lunar south pole today
    观看Intuitive Machines公司今日在月球南极着陆私营Athena探测器。
  • Houston-based company Intuitive Machines is poised to land its second spacecraft on the moon today (March 6). The lander, a Nova-C vehicle named Athena, is flying the IM-2 mission as a part of NASA's Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) program, which contracts private companies to deliver agency science and technology payloads to the lunar surface. Now, the world will see if Intuitive Machines will deliver on that contract.
    总部位于休斯顿的Intuitive Machines公司计划于今日(3月6日)将其第二艘航天器送上月球。此次登陆器是一艘名为Athena的Nova-C飞行器,执行IM-2任务,作为NASA商业月球有效载荷服务(CLPS)计划的一部分。该计划通过合同委托私营公司向月球表面运送NASA的科学与技术载荷。如今,全球将见证Intuitive Machines公司能否成功履行这一合同。
  • The company is targeting Thursday, March 6, at 12:32 p.m. EST (1732 GMT) for Athena's soft touchdown on the lunar surface, with coverage available from multiple sources. The landing will be streamed live on the homepage, NASA's NASA+ streaming service and on the Intuitive Machines YouTube channel. Coverage will begin at 11:30 a.m. EST (1630 GMT).
    该公司计划于美国东部时间3月6日星期四12:32(格林尼治时间17:32)让Athena探测器在月球表面实现软着陆,多个渠道将提供相关报道。此次着陆将在Space.com主页、NASA的NASA+流媒体服务以及Intuitive Machines的YouTube频道进行直播。报道将于美国东部时间11:30(格林尼治时间16:30)开始。
  • The $62.5 million IM-2 mission launched Feb. 26 on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket from NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. After a journey spanning about 4.5 days, Athena arrived in lunar orbit Monday (March 3), where the spacecraft and Intuitive Machines operators in mission control have continued preparing the lander for its descent to the surface.
    耗资6250万美元的IM-2任务于2月26日由SpaceX猎鹰9号火箭在佛罗里达州NASA肯尼迪航天中心发射。经过约4.5天的飞行,Athena探测器于3月3日(星期一)进入月球轨道。此后,航天器与Intuitive Machines任务控制中心的操作团队一直在为其下降至月球表面做准备。
  • Related: Private Athena moon lander beams home amazing video of south pole touchdown site
  • Mission planners had prepared the lander to perform course-correction burns after reaching the moon, but Athena's lunar orbit insertion was accurate enough not to need them, according to Intuitive Machines.
    据Intuitive Machines公司称,任务规划人员原本准备在着陆器抵达月球后进行轨道修正点火,但Athena的月球轨道插入精度足够高,无需进行修正。
  • "Flight controllers confirmed that Athena completed lunar orbit insertion with enough accuracy to forego the IM-2 mission's optional lunar correction maneuver," the company said in a post on X. "Athena’s next planned maneuver is Descent Orbit Insertion (DOI), which is designed to lower her orbit to make a landing attempt at 11:32 [CST; 12:32 p.m. EST on March 6."
  • When the time comes, Athena will have a complex dance to fly along its path to landing. From the far side of the moon, outside of regular communications range, the lander will perform a descent trajectory burn to shrink its orbit and put it on a flight path toward its landing site. At this point, Athena will fly autonomously through to its landing, utilizing onboard imaging systems and sensors to analyze the terrain below and make navigational determinations.
  • Once within range, Athena will begin a breaking maneuver called Powered Descent Initiation (PDI), firing up and throttling its landing engine until the spacecraft reaches about a mile away from its touchdown coordinates in Mons Mouton. Following PDI, the lander will flip upright using its main engine to begin a hazard detection and avoidance phase in order to ascertain a precise suitable landing spot.
    一旦进入射程,Athena将启动减速机动,即动力下降启动(PDI),点燃并调节其着陆发动机的推力,直到航天器接近着陆坐标——蒙斯·穆顿(Mons Mouton)约一英里范围内。在完成PDI后,着陆器将利用主发动机调整至直立姿态,并进入危险探测与规避阶段,以确定一个精确且合适的着陆点。
  • Athena will then enter its vertical and then terminal descent phases, respectively, to slow its fall from about 10 feet (3 meters) per second to about 3 feet (1 m) per second once it reaches approximately 30 feet (9 m) from the surface. For the terminal phase, the lander switches to internal guidance only — no onboard cameras — and descends the final few feet to touch down on the surface.
  • After landing, Intuitive Machines expects a 15-second confirmation period for mission controllers to complete final checkouts. If all goes according to plan, Athena will then begin its mission on the surface of the moon.
    着陆后,Intuitive Machines预计会有一个15秒的确认期,期间任务控制人员将完成最后的检查。如果一切顺利,Athena将开始在月球表面的任务。
  • Athena is headed for Mons Mouton, a region near the moon's south pole. Scientists believe that water ice deposits and other resources can be found in surface samples that the lander will drill. NASA researchers are eager to study water and other elements available on the lunar surface as the space agency prepares to return astronauts there as part of the Artemis program.
    Athena正前往月球南极附近的蒙斯·穆顿(Mons Mouton)地区。科学家们相信,通过着陆器钻探的表面样本中可以发现水冰沉积物和其他资源。随着NASA为阿尔忒弥斯计划准备将宇航员送回月球,研究人员迫切希望研究月球表面可用的水和其他元素。
  • Water ice and other "in-situ" resources can be converted to things like, well, water, for one, which is heavy and costly to launch all the way to the moon. Water can also be broken down into its constituent elements, hydrogen and oxygen, which can be used to make things like rocket fuel. Through CLPS missions like IM-2, NASA is hoping to better understand the lunar environment, and how best it can be utilized to sustain future astronauts.
  • Related: NASA's Artemis program: Everything you need to know
  • IM-2 will hunt for water ice and other resources present on and just below the lunar surface. Athena is delivering NASA's Polar Resources Ice Mining Experiment-1 (PRIME-1) to the moon, which consists of two main components: the Regolith Ice Drill for Exploring New Terrain (TRIDENT) and the Mass Spectrometer observing lunar operations (MSolo).
  • TRIDENT will dig down into the surface, and MSolo will analyze the results. PRIME-1 will retrieve a sample from up to 3 feet (1 m) beneath the surface to hunt for frozen water, and the mass spectrometer onboard will test that sample to determine if the water ice is there.
  • A secondary spacecraft called Grace, named for the pioneering computer scientist and mathematician Grace Hopper, will "hop" across the lunar surface within a 1-mile (1.6 kilometers) radius of Athena's landing site, and will explore the permanently shadowed section of a nearby crater. Athena also carries a mini-rover — the Mobile Autonomous Prospecting Platform (MAPP), built by Colorado company Lunar Outpost. These three robots will keep in touch using the moon's first-ever 4G/LTE network — another payload on IM-2, which was provided by Nokia Bell Labs.
    第二艘名为Grace的辅助航天器将“跳跃”至Athena着陆点1英里(1.6公里)范围内的月球表面,并探索附近陨坑中常年处于阴影中的区域。Grace以开创性的计算机科学家和数学家Grace Hopper命名。Athena还携带了一辆迷你探测车——移动自主勘探平台(MAPP),由科罗拉多公司Lunar Outpost制造。这三台机器人将通过月球首个4G/LTE网络保持联络——这是IM-2任务的另一个有效载荷,由诺基亚贝尔实验室提供。
  • Another experiment on board Athena is the Laser Retro-Reflector Array (LRA) — a passive technology demonstration that doesn't require a power source or mechanical components. Eight mirrors affixed to Athena's exterior will test the reflection of lasers as a means of navigation reference for nearby and incoming spacecraft, similar to reflectors on an airport runway. The Athena lander will also release a smaller rover, called Yaoki, from the Japanese company Dymon.
  • After landing, Athena and co. will operate on the lunar surface for about 10 days, until the lunar night falls on Mons Mouton and darkness overtakes the spacecraft. Before then, however, the lander will witness Earth overtake the sun for a solar eclipse on the lunar surface on March 14, at about 2 a.m. ET (0700 GMT). Then, once the lander's batteries are drained and the sun has set behind the lunar horizon, Athena's mission will end.
  • Intuitive Machines, though, has a lot more planned. The company has already been awarded further CLPS contracts from NASA, and is currently planning through to IM-4.
    然而,Intuitive Machines公司还有更多计划。该公司已获得NASA的进一步CLPS合同,并正在规划IM-4任务。

