10 English communication skills everyone should learn from Priyanka Chopra
每个人都应该向Priyanka Chopra学习的10种英语沟通技巧

孟凡    吉林化工学院
时间:2024-04-10 语向:英-中 类型:国际教育 字数:1405
  • 10 English communication skills everyone should learn from Priyanka Chopra
    每个人都应该向朴雅卡·乔普拉(Priyanka Chopra)学习的10种英语交流技巧
  • English communication skills are essential to help you excel in your academic journey, career and beyond — and who better to learn from the most successful Bollywood actress to make it in Hollywood?
  • Chopra is one of the best teachers of good English communication skills. She’s a walking, breathing example of how to articulate your thoughts clearly in public, whether it’s a speech, presentation or discussion.
  • Student or not, everyone benefits from this skill. For example, when you’re presenting your research findings to your peers and professors, being able to express yourself clearly ensures that your ideas are understood.
  • And as the university is a place where you meet people from different backgrounds, good Enlish communication skills allow you to connect with peers and professionals in your field.
  • This networking can lead to opportunities such as internships, research collaborations or even future job offers.
  • Improving your English communication skills also boosts your confidence and self-esteem, allowing you to express yourself more confidently. What’s more, it will help you build stronger relationships with your friends and colleagues.
  • And, in Asia at least, there is no better person to learn it from than Chopra, one of the most popular actress in the most populated English-speaking country in the world.
  • Chopra exudes confidence in her communication. Despite English not being her mother tongue, she has become a professional through determination and practice.
  • Growing up, she faced challenges such as low self-esteem and bullying in school, which could have deterred her progress. However, she overcame these obstacles.
  • She says that, at first, she lived by the phrase “faking it till you make it.” Initially, she may have lacked confidence, but she didn’t let her insecurities win.
  • Despite facing setbacks and failures along the way, she never gave up. Instead, she viewed these challenges as opportunities for growth and learning.
  • By following her example, you might just be on your way to improving your communication skills.
  • 10 English communication skills everyone should learn from Priyanka Chopra
    每个人都应该向朴雅卡·乔普拉(Priyanka Chopra)学习的10种英语交流技巧
  • 1. Emphasising
  • Emphasising is one of the most important English communication skills. This skill is something Chopra has excelled at to enhance her communication.
  • To emphasise is to highlight certain words or phrases to convey the significance of something or emotion. It can be done by separating words, pausing or repeating key points.
  • This skill helps to clarify your intended message by drawing attention to specific details. When certain words are stressed or repeated, your audience can understand the point you are trying to make.
  • When people hear certain words or phrases emphasised, they are likely to retain that information.
  • 2. Eye contact
  • Eye contact is fundamental when learning English communication skills. Maintaining eye contact during a conversation or public speaking can help you build trust and show confidence.
  • When you have eye contact, you show the person you’re speaking to that you’re interested in what they say.
  • Chopra is excellent at maintaining eye contact with her audience when she speaks. As such, she comes across as confident during public appearances and speeches.
  • Eye contact is essential for effective public speaking. When addressing a crowd, looking around at each side of the audience helps to keep them engaged. This also helps to make everyone feel included and involved.
  • She deliberately makes eye contact with her audience, and by doing so, she is able to convey her message effectively.
  • 3. Gestures
  • Learning non-verbal communication is just as important when picking up English communication skills. Gestures provide additional context, emotion and emphasis to your message.
  • Gestures are essential for effective communication, something Chopra understands. They are non-verbal cues that usually accompany spoken language.
  • Chopra often uses hand movements to accompany her speech. She uses her hands when explaining that something is big or small, making her speech clear and more impactful.
  • 4. Conversational language
  • Conversational language is essential when mastering English communication skills.
  • While using big words might give the show intelligence, communicating effectively comes down to how well you engage your audience through clear and simple language.
  • Conversational language helps to break down barriers between you and your audience. This ensures they understand you.
  • When you speak in a way that people can relate to, they’re more likely to listen and engage with what you’re saying.
  • By avoiding big and complicated words, you ensure no misunderstandings and that your audience follows you.
  • This is important when communicating with people from different backgrounds and levels of proficiency.
  • While Chopra does use some big words, the majority of her speech is informal and conversational to keep her audience engaged.
  • 5. Be descriptive
  • Being descriptive helps to paint a picture for your audience. This can be done when expressing your thoughts, feelings or experiences.
  • When you describe people, places, or things in detail, it helps the listener to understand and visualise what you are talking about.
  • This is an important English communication skill because it adds depth and clarity to your message.
  • When telling stories, Chopra uses descriptive language to describe her experiences.
  • 6. Storytelling
  • On that note, storytelling is also one of the English communication skills worth mastering.
  • Storytelling is not just about conveying information. It’s about humanising you as the speaker, and your audience can relate to you on an emotional level.
  • If there is one thing Chopra is good at, it’s telling a story. She selects relatable stories and weaves them into her speech to create a connection with her audience. For example, she talks about the equal opportunities she had when growing up and how it helped shape her when speaking about the importance of gender equality.
  • Whether describing a memorable moment or recounting an experience, storytelling makes you more relatable and ensures your message is clear.
  • 7. Rhetorical questions
  • Rhetorical questions grab the audience’s attention and involve them actively in the conversation. When you pose a rhetorical question, it prompts your listeners to think about the topic and creates a more interactive conversation.
  • You encourage reflection and critical thinking by posing questions without expecting direct answers. This not only keeps your audience involved but also enhances their understanding.
  • Rhetorical questions can also emphasise key points or arguments. Chopra often uses it to draw attention to specific ideas and their significance or impact.
  • This skill also helps avoid being monotonous and boring your audience.
  • Here’s an example of how Chopra has used rhetorical questions in a speech:
  • “How did I get here? Why am I standing here?”
  • She uses rhetorical questions to emphasise the urgency of addressing educational inequality.
  • 8. Humour
  • Being funny is quite a difficult skill to master. However, when you do add a little humour to your speech, it can lighten the mood, make your speech more memorable and keep your audience engaged.
  • Humour allows you to connect with your audience on a more personal level. It makes you more relatable and enjoyable. Chopra often includes some humour when giving a speech.
  • This skill also helps to reduce tension and boredom. Wit can help ensure your audience remains attentive.
  • She often includes humorous anecdotes from her own experience. By sharing light-hearted stories and witty observations, she entertains the audience.
  • 9. Use statistics
  • Using statistics is one of the best English communication skills. Incorporating statistics into your speech adds credibility and depth, making it more impactful and convincing.
  • Understanding this, Chopra uses statistics in her speeches and interviews to support her arguments or shed light on important issues.
  • For example, when discussing gender disparity and the importance of girl’s education, she mentioned, “More than 15 million girls of primary school age will never learn to read or write compared to 10 million boys,” to emphasise the urgency of the issue.
  • By backing up her statements with concrete numbers, she increases the credibility of her message and helps the audience understand the significance of the problem.
  • 10. Spatial and emotional awareness
  • The skill of spatial and emotional awareness means being mindful of one’s surroundings, understanding the emotions of others, and engaging with your audience.
  • Spatial awareness in communication means being conscious of the physical space around you. Chopra understands the importance of eye contact, scanning the crowd and adjusting her body language to connect with different audience members. For example, she might make gestures towards specific sections of the audience or move around the stage to ensure everyone feels included.
  • On the other hand, emotional awareness is recognising and understanding the emotions of others. She demonstrates emotional intelligence by paying attention to the reactions of her audience and adjusting her speech accordingly.
  • She often encourages the audience to participate by asking questions and inviting them to share their thoughts.

