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Dive Brief: Encouraging students to engage in a discussion with their peers during classroom lessons can offer benefits such as introducing new viewpoints into the discourse or strengthening soft skills. The “social nature of learning,” in which education shifts from a lecture-based paradigm to one where students exchange ideas within a community, expands understanding while creating moments where students can have ownership in their learning, said Heather Schwartz, practice specialist at the Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning. “Peer discussions are rich with opportunities for collaboration, perspective taking, active listening, and effective communication. But in order to truly gain skills, students need opportunities to learn, practice, and reflect on SEL [social-emotional learning],” she said. Dive Insight: Schwartz suggests that to create and promote productive classroom conversations, educators should make sure they’re taking steps early on in the school year that foster a collaborative environment. That includes being patient with students working to express their ideas, supporting them as they make errors, helping them reach answers rather than highlighting mistakes, and even encouraging them to ask questions and “challenge your ideas,” she said. When learners feel more confident in voicing their opinions and questions, educators can turn conversations over to the classroom, guiding the learning process rather than controlling it. “As students begin to take ownership of small and large group peer discussions, the teacher transitions into a coaching role to provide feedback in the context of authentic application,” Schwartz said. “For example, educators can practice ‘noticing and naming’ by identifying which competencies and mindsets they hear students applying during discussions with their peers.” There are a number of strategies teachers can employ to help students grow into this role. They include encouraging students to share an idea or thought with perhaps one other student — or in a writing exercise — before sharing with the entire class. Students can also use sentence starters, prefacing their thoughts by saying they agree or disagree with a previous comment but want to add something to the conversation. Schwartz said these approaches, tailored to development levels, are beneficial at the beginning of the year. While some students may already feel comfortable and confident in employing these skills, others may not. But allowing all learners to hone these abilities at the start of a semester can elevate conversations throughout the year. “Academic conversations require specific strategies, and we miss important opportunities for learning when we assume that students walk through the door ready to dive in,” Schwartz said.

2024-11-18 雷之敏 教育资讯 英-中

The Ministry of Commerce Photo: VCGChina's Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) held a meeting on Friday, listening to opinions and suggestions from industry personnel, experts and scholars on raising the tariff rate on imported cars with large-displacement engines. Representatives from relevant industry organizations, research institutions and automobile companies attended the meeting, according to a statement released on MOFCOM's website on Friday. The meeting adds to a succession of events that clearly shows China is seriously studying calls of tariff rate hikes on imported large-engine cars, industry insiders said. On May 21, the Global Times exclusively reported an expert's call for tariff rate hikes on imported cars with engines larger than 2.5 liters. China should consider raising the temporary tariff rate on imported cars with large-displacement engines, in order to reduce imports as part of the country's broader efforts to cut emissions and promote the green development of the auto industry, Liu Bin, chief expert of China Automotive Technology & Research Center and deputy director of China Automotive Strategy and Policy Research Center, who has participated in drafting policies for China's auto industry, told the Global Times in an interview in May. On June 18, at a closed-door meeting between major Chinese and European carmakers and industry bodies, some representatives attending the meeting urged higher tariff rate on large-engine cars, the Global Times learned from a source who attended the meeting. Friday's statement showed the MOFCOM met with automakers and industry associations, and officials had listened to the opinions and suggestions of industry, experts and scholars on raising the import tariff rate on fuel-powered cars with large displacement engines. The latest development suggested that China is seriously studying the calls of tariff rate hikes on imported large-engine cars, experts said. In the previous report, Liu from China Automotive Technology & Research Center told the Global Times that according to WTO rules, China's temporary tariff rate on imported vehicles could be raised to a maximum of 25 percent, and that such an adjustment is not only in line with WTO rules, but also in line with China's broader efforts to promote the green transition in the auto industry and pursue the goal of reducing carbon emissions. "It is fundamentally different from protectionist measures taken by certain countries and regions," the expert said. The suggested plan to raise the temporary tariff rate on large-engine vehicles could affect a major car import segment. According to official data, China imported 250,000 cars with engines larger than 2.5 liters in 2023, accounting for 32 percent of total imported cars. Imported vehicles with large engines also account for 80 percent of China's consumption of vehicles with large-displacement engines. If the temporary tariff rate is increased, it will have a major impact on auto imports from the EU, while also affect those from the US. Global Times

2024-11-18 高可欣 时政 英-中

内蒙古首座铁路斜拉桥合龙贯通 中新网乌海10月9日电(记者 李爱平)9日9时58分,随着最后一节钢箱梁应声落定精准对接,包银高铁乌海黄河特大桥顺利合龙贯通,这也意味着内蒙古自治区首座铁路斜拉桥合龙贯通。 乌海黄河特大桥坐落在内蒙古乌海市与宁夏回族自治区石嘴山市交界处,全长2190.79米,设计墩台51个,主跨黄河310米,是内蒙古第一座跨黄河铁路斜拉桥,也是包银高铁全线桥塔最高、跨度最大的桥梁,有着包银高铁“黄河第一跨”美称。 作为大跨径高铁混合梁斜拉桥,乌海黄河特大桥工程受到黄河河道常年风沙侵袭、自然环境恶劣、施工期间温差大等施工难点影响。 乌海黄河特大桥项目部工程部长张弛表示,施工过程中,建设单位采取纵向运梁正装长线法制造工艺及横向就位吊装安装方式,成功解决桥面运梁难题。同时,采用新型安全的液压自动爬升系统,实现了钢筋辅助定位、泵管集成自动布料、全封闭智能养护,大幅提升桥塔建造品质。 包银高铁是我国“八纵八横”高速铁路网京兰通道的重要组成部分,线路全长519公里,其中内蒙古段线路长402公里。包银高铁全线建成通车后,包头到银川的列车最快运行时间将由6个多小时缩短至2个小时,成为内蒙古西部、宁夏等西北地区进京的最快通道。(完) (来源:中国新闻网)

2024-11-18 张晨苗 交通运输 中-英

