CR450 EMU prototype is undergoing test verification

任聪慧    山西工商学院
时间:2025-03-01 语向:中-英 类型:交通运输 字数:89
  • CR450动车组样车在接受试验验证
    The CR450 EMU prototype is undergoing trial verification
  • 日前,CR450动车组样车试验团队正在国家铁道试验中心开展一系列科学试验和性能验证。图为2月25日,CR450动车组样车在接受试验验证。刘家豪 摄
    Recently, the CR450 EMU prototype test team is carrying a series of scientific tests and performance verification at the National Railway Test Center. The photo taken on Feb 25, the CR450 EMU prototype was being tested and verified. Photo by Liu Jiahao

