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Here’s some news pilots, avgeeks, aviation enthusiasts, and maybe even gamer geeks, are going to love—a new immersive 3D app released by ForeFlight for Apple Vision Pro. This app harnesses the advanced spatial computing capabilities of Apple Vision Pro, providing users with an immersive 3D exploration experience of airports. Voyager transforms each airport into a vivid 3D environment by seamlessly integrating satellite imagery, high-resolution terrain, and live traffic data on a floating disk. That’s right—you can hover in the air like a ghost, watching aircraft. You can manipulate and view the airports from various angles, getting an unparalleled real-time aviation experience. “ForeFlight is excited to deliver this unique 3D airport exploration experience to aviation enthusiasts with Apple Vision Pro,” said ForeFlight CEO Tim Schuetze in a release. “This exciting new spatial computing platform enables us to deliver all-new experiences that were never before possible, and the new Voyager app is a great example of our continued innovation.” READ MORE: Inflight Data Merges as ForeFlight Acquires CloudAhoy The app’s features include a curated list of featured airports, global search function, and proximity sorting for nearby airports. Voyager utilizes live traffic data to portray commercial and private aircraft, including jets, turboprops, piston planes, and helicopters, with realistic altitude, pitch, and bank details. Users can select any aircraft for comprehensive information, including flight plan details, aircraft type, and real-time speed, altitude, and heading. ForeFlight’s flagship iPad and iPhone application, ForeFlight Mobile, is also available on Vision Pro. This integration allows customers with an active ForeFlight subscription to access next-generation, flight-planning capabilities. When using Voyager, ForeFlight customers can seamlessly transition to ForeFlight Mobile for more detailed airport information. “Voyager and ForeFlight Mobile together on Vision Pro offer an unmatched experience for aviation enthusiasts,” Schuetze said. ForeFlight, a Boeing company, has been a leading provider of advanced integrated software for general, business, and military aviation since 2007. The company’s comprehensive suite includes ForeFlight Mobile EFB and Military Flight Bag for pilots, ForeFlight Dispatch for flight planners, Sentry portable ADS-B receivers, and various integrated products serving the global pilot and flight department community.

2024-05-12 魏笑莹 航空 英-中

On Episode 96 of This Week In Space, Tariq and Rod discuss science on television with History Channel producer Jeff Stepp. Space and science TV has come a long way since the old-time staples like Mr. Wizard and the original Bille Nye, The Science Guy. Stepp joins us to talk about his work on "The UnXplained: With William Shatner" and other science shows — how are they conceived, what is production like, and what is the future of space and science-oriented media? We know Jeff to be a fine writer and responsible gatekeeper for high-quality, responsible science programming. Don't miss this one! Download or subscribe to this show at: https://twit.tv/shows/this-week-in-space. Get episodes ad-free with Club TWiT at https://twit.tv/clubtwit Boeing's Starliner capsule still on track for mid-April astronaut launch to ISS 'We proved that you can land wherever you want.' Japan's SLIM moon probe nailed precise lunar landing, JAXA says Japan's SLIM moon lander snaps final photos before going dormant during lunar night Are they exomoons or not? Scientists debate existence of 1st moons seen beyond our solar system www.jeffstepp.com Finally, did you know you can launch your own SpaceX rocket? Model rocket maker Estes' stunning scale model of a Falcon 9 rocket that you can pick up now. The launchable model is a detailed recreation of the Falcon 9 and retails for $149.99. You can save 10% by using the code IN-COLLECTSPACE at checkout, courtesy of our partners collectSPACE.com. This Week in Space covers the new space age. Every Friday we take a deep dive into a fascinating topic. What's happening with the new race to the moon and other planets? When will SpaceX really send people to Mars? Join Rod Pyle and Tariq Malik from Space.com as they tackle those questions and more each week on Friday afternoons. You can subscribe today on your favorite podcatcher.

2024-05-11 魏笑莹 航空 英-中

Toyota Motor Corporation has advised owners of approximately 50,000 vehicles in the United States not to drive their cars due to potentially deadly Takata airbag inflators. The advisory, released on Jan. 25, specifies a range of affected models, including certain 2003-2004 Corollas, 2003-2004 Corolla Matrix and 2004-2005 RAV4s equipped with defective Takata airbag inflators. “Owners should not drive these vehicles until the free safety recall repair has been conducted. Toyota urges owners to contact their local dealer instead of driving their vehicle to be repaired,” Toyota said in a media statement. According to Toyota, the affected vehicles fall into two categories: the RAV4 recall specifically involves the driver-side airbag, while the recalls for Corolla and Corolla Matrix models pertain to the front passenger airbag. Some Corolla and Corolla Matrix models are also subject to a second notice due to concerns that the airbag could deploy without the impact of a crash. This video is from the KevinJJohnston channel on Brighteon.com. BMW issues “do not drive” order for 90,000 vehicles due to defective airbags that can explode metal fragments into your face. EV owners complain about “logistical nightmare” caused by lack of charging stations. Ford halts production and shipping of F-150 Lightning EV due to unspecified battery issue. Biden infrastructure bill includes provision to install KILL SWITCHES in new cars beginning in 2026. Trial involving Tesla’s autopilot could decide if tech or driver is responsible for fatal crashes.

2024-05-11 魏笑莹 航空 英-中

AI再惹种族歧视争议 明敏 发自 凹非寺 量子位 报道 | 公众号 QbitAI 观看一个以黑人为主角的视频,结果平台给出的相关推荐是: 是否继续观看有关灵长类动物的视频? 这是最近一些Facebook用户在观看一则黑人视频时,遇到的真实情况。 视频的内容其实是几个平民和警察发生争执,和“猴子或灵长类动物”毫无关系。 这在网上引起了轩然大波。 对此Facebook紧急致歉,称其是“不能容忍的错误”。 目前,他们正在研究这一推荐功能以“防止这种情况再次发生”。 “我们的AI并不完美” 这件事情起源于《每日邮报》2020年6月27日发布的一个视频。 视频中有白人、黑人和警察,他们之间发生了一些争执,视频的主要人物是黑人。 最近,有Facebook用户观看这则视频时发现,平台给出的推荐提示居然是: 是否继续观看有关灵长类动物的视频? 这让人感到有些错愕。 按照生物学定义划分,人类的确属于灵长目。 但结合一些社会情况,不少种族主义者将黑人贬低为“猴子”、“猩猩”,意图刻意将他们与“人”区分开。 这样的社会背景,让人不免猜测Facebook给这段视频打上“灵长类动物”标签到底是怎么一回事。 于是有人把这个视频的情况告诉了前Facebook内容设计经理Darci Groves ,看到这个情况后,Groves感到非常的震惊。 随即,她把这一情况发到了一个面向Facebook员工的产品反馈论坛中。 之后,这事引起了Facebook官方的注意。 Facebook Watch产品经理表示,这种情况是不能被容忍的,公司已经在调查问题的根本原因。 Facebook发言人Dani Lever则在一份声明中表示,: 虽然我们在不断提升AI的水平,但是我们知道它并不完美,还有更多可以优化的地方。 我们向所有看到这则冒犯性推荐的人道歉。 AI种族歧视,不是第一次了 Facebook这次的“错误标签”,再一次把AI推上了舆论的风口浪尖。 这几年,不少科技巨头的AI都出现了存在种族偏见的负面新闻。 2015年,谷歌相册就曾把黑人照片打上黑猩猩的标签引起不少争议。 当时,谷歌对此“深表歉意”。 不过在2018年,《连线》杂志发现,谷歌并没有真的改正错误,只是……为图像分类算法去掉了“大猩猩gorilla”这个类别。 去年被CVPR 2020收录的PLUSE方法,也被人发现存在明显的种族偏见。 它是一个可以把打码的人脸修复如初的AI,结果还原的人脸,全部是白人脸。 比如奥巴马这张复原图,可以说和他本人是毫无关系。 对亚洲脸庞的复原效果也非常不好。 类似的例子在AI算法中,真的不少见。 由此,AI的伦理问题也一直备受人们关注。 在把人和大猩猩弄混这事上,人类不会犯这种低级错误。为什么AI会呢? 有人认为这是一个复杂的计算机视觉问题。 找出图像之间相似是很容易的,但是找出为什么相似却不相关,这是个很难的问题。 也有人就指出这是因为AI做的工作更多是统计推理,它本身不会思考。 所以,就要关注训练集。 有人就表示,他曾与一家大公司合作时发现,不少AI训练集中都存在偏见。 但是对于这一现象,不少团队都没有想消除歧视的想法。 此外,也存在训练集中包含黑人面孔太少的可能,这导致算法在识别黑人面孔时会表现不好。 当然也不排除程序员本身存在种族偏见,所以在打标签时就已经存在偏见。

2024-04-20 左琳 人工智能 中-英

被工科试验班(信息类)录取 杨净 发自 凹非寺 量子位 报道 | 公众号 QbitAI “还有什么理由不好好努力!” “生活以痛吻我,我将报之以歌。” “真了不起,全家都好伟大!” 这周末,全网都因为北航这位新生整破防了。 他叫邢益凡,北航工科试验班(信息类)2021级新生。 △图源:北航官微 他6个月大时被确诊为渐冻症,如今18岁却只有18公斤重。 由于严重脊柱畸形,他最大的运动能力是独坐,但一次最多也只能坚持30多分钟。 也就意味着在以往的上课中,剩下十几分钟,他只能躺着听课,全靠大脑想象老师所说的知识点。 他的肌肉几乎不能生长,并且随着骨骼的生长,肌肉萎缩的越严重,稍不注意就会骨折受伤。在高考前夕他就曾右臂肩关节骨折,保守治疗了3个月。 别人举手投足的事情,对他来说都是每日必经的战斗。 但正是这样一个人,不愿向命运低头,一次次创造奇迹。 中考时他以全校最高成绩——615分考入吉林一中。 如今又以645分的高分被北京航空航天大学录取。 他说,我就想看看,我还能走到哪一步,想再往前奔一奔。 他初中时听说了霍金的故事。于是立志要做中国的“霍金”,用自己的知识改变世界。 “就想看看能走到哪一步” 2004年,刚6个月大的邢益凡被确诊为LAMA2-相关先天性肌营养不良。这是一种罕见因LAMA2基因突变导致的先天性肌营养不良亚型,渐冻症的一种。 由于那个年代医生对疾病了解很少,也没有有效的治疗措施。于是父母只好带着邢益凡回家,开启了十数年的命运抗争。 从小学到高中的每一节课,父母都陪在邢益凡身边。 由于邢益凡睡觉不能翻身,一旦姿势不正确会压迫整个颈椎,造成呼吸困难。 因此在半夜,他们也要两小时醒来一次,为儿子翻身。 邢益凡自己,也跟他小名——毛毛一样,如毛毛草般顽强生长。 随着疾病加重,就连简单的翻书、做题,也要比一般人难上好多倍。 比如翻书,他不能用一只手来完成,头也几乎不能自己转动。 平时上课,只能用下巴撑在桌上支着头,眼睛也只能扫视到书本的一半页面。 △图源:江城日报 而做题,最难的莫过于就是阅读理解和作文题。 据江城日报报道,对他而言,“联系上下文”就是一个反生理的要求。 因为通常这类题都需要反复扭头阅读,但他完成不了,于是就只能利用一次扭头的机会,把上文“背”下来,然后再带着记忆中的上文去联系下文。 但即便如此,他学习要比其他人更加刻苦,尤其是在高三备考的时候。 他用还有点肌肉力量的双手,一天最多做20多张试卷,经常做到凌晨一两点。 因骨折在家休息时,父母发现他为了集中精力学习,关节弯曲更大、身体佝偻得更严重。 这也意味着,他所受到的疼痛更加强烈,但却从没抱怨过。 当时母亲就问他:你是不是有了什么想法。 这时候他才说道了那一句: 我就想看看,我还能走到哪一步,想再往前奔一奔。 或许正是因为这一股置之死地而后生的劲头,让他重返学校时成绩不降反升,也让他收获了北航的录取通知书。 △图源:北航官微 立志做中国的“霍金” 从录取通知书上看,邢益凡录取的工科试验班(信息类)。 第一年他将在北航学院就读,一年之后将选择专业学院就读,并确定具体专业方向。 主要有这几大方向。 电子信息工程学院、自动化科学与电气工程学院、计算机学院、仪器科学与光电工程学院、软件学院、网络空间安全学院、集成电路科学与工程学院、人工智能学院。 据北航官微报道,目前学校多个部门联合为他的学习生活设计了系列保障方案。 学习上,由于邢益凡每日学习总时长在4~6小时为宜,学院将设计专门培养方案,并采取线上线下相结合的教学模式。 体育类、实验实践类等课程申请特殊免修。 生活方面,学校为他准备了位于一楼的爱心宿舍,邢益凡的母亲也将住在这里陪读。 宿舍里有两张床和独立卫浴,还配备移动桌柜、收纳箱、书架等生活设备。 北航学院院长钱政说:“保证邢益凡同学在大学的4年得到很好的教育和他所期望的成绩,实现他的梦想。 说到北航,其实邢益凡儿时还有个航天梦: 太空没重力,我就和别人一样了,可以在太空中自由翱翔。 祝福邢同学! 参考链接: [1]https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/1jadwVwGFjmBLROA-6yUkg [2]https://www.sohu.com/a/480393076_99956949 [3]https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/S1lgMviPd87yMAPPHhAsMA

2024-04-19 王芬芬 人工智能 中-英



