National Development and Reform Commission: Full of Confidence in China's Economy's Steady Start in the First Quarter

王憧憧    西安外国语大学
时间:2022-01-22 语向:中-英 类型:CATTI练笔 字数:608
  • 国家发改委:对中国经济一季度平稳开局充满信心
    National Development and Reform Commission: Full of Confidence in China's Steady Economy Beginning in the First Quarter
  • 中新社北京1月18日电 (记者 周锐)虽然2021年中国季度GDP增速呈现出逐季回落的态势,但中国国家发改委国民经济综合司司长袁达18日表示,国家发改委对实现2022年一季度平稳开局、保持全年经济运行在合理区间充满信心。
    BEIJING, January 18, China News Agency (Reporter Zhou Rui)-Although China's quarterly GDP growth rate in 2021 presented a declining trend quarter by quarter, Yuan Da, director of the National Economic Comprehensive Department of the National Development and Reform Commission of China, said on Monday that the National Development and Reform Commission is confident in achieving a smooth start in the first quarter of 2022 and keeping the economy running within a reasonable range throughout the whole year.
  • 袁达从四方面讲述了中国促进经济平稳健康可持续发展的信心、条件和能力。
    Yuan Da demonstrated China's confidence, conditions and abilities to promote a stable, healthy, and sustainable economic development from four aspects.
  • 从发展基础看,中国有效应对百年变局与世纪疫情交织叠加影响,中国经济发展和疫情防控均保持全球领先地位。2021年中国经济总量超过114万亿元人民币,产业体系完备的优势持续彰显,产业链韧性不断增强,人民生活持续改善,社会保持和谐稳定,抗风险、抗冲击能力进一步提高。
    From the perspective of development basis, China has effectively responded to the interweaved effects of the centenary changes and the epidemic. China's economic development and epidemic prevention and control have maintained a leading position in the world. In 2021, China's total economic volume has exceeded 114 trillion yuan. The advantages of a complete industrial system will continue to be demonstrated. The resilience of the industrial chain will continue to increase. People's lives will continue to improve. Society will maintain harmony and stable. The social ability to resist risks and shocks will further improve.
  • 从要素条件看,中国着力解决供给领域要素短缺问题,能源原材料供应保障显著增强。目前,煤炭优质产能释放,价格明显回落,电煤库存可用天数维持在20天以上,电力供应平稳有序。芯片产量快速增长,2021年集成电路产量较上年增长33.3%,汽车芯片供应逐渐加大,汽车产量已持续4个月增加。
    Judging from the factors, China has made great efforts to solve the problem of factor shortage in the supply field, and the supply guarantee of energy and raw materials has been significantly enhanced. At present, the high-quality coal production capacity has been released; the price has dropped significantly; the electricity and coal stocks are available for use for more than 20 days, and the supply of electricity is stable and organized. The output of chips increased rapidly. In 2021, the output of integrated circuits has increased by 33.3% compared with the previous year. The supply of automobile chips gradually increased. The output of automobiles has continued to increase for 4 months.
  • 从内生动力看,中国加快促进形成强大国内市场,构建新发展格局迈出新步伐。居民收入持续增加,社会保障水平稳步提高,消费结构不断升级,消费增长潜力巨大。
    From the perspective of endogenous power, China has accelerated the formation of a strong domestic market and taken new steps to build a new development pattern. Residents' incomes have continued to increase; the social security has steadily improved; the consumption structure has been continuously upgraded, and the potential for consumption growth is great.
  • 从政策支撑看,中国制约经济循环的“卡点”“堵点”加快打通,有利于经济稳定的政策陆续出台,都将有力促进经济高质量发展。
    From the perspective of policy support, China's "blocking points" that restrict the economic cycle will be addressed at a fast pace, which promotes the gradual introduction of policies conducive to economic stability, effectively facilitating high-quality economic development.
  • 袁达强调,中国宏观政策仍有较大空间,政策储备工具较多,有能力保持经济平稳运行。
    Yuan Da stressed that China still has much room for macro policies, has more policy reserve tools, and is capable of maintaining stable economic operation.

