Urumqi International Airport Branch Security Inspection Station-Flight Tips (Fireworks)

阮文馨    吉林外国语大学
时间:2022-01-27 语向:中-英 类型:航空 字数:525
  • 乌鲁木齐国际机场分公司安全检查总站—乘机提示(烟花爆竹篇)
    Urumqi International Airport Branch Safety Inspection Station - Flight Tips (About Fireworks)
  • (通讯员 王敏)百节年为先,春节是中华民族最隆重的传统佳节,受中华文化的影响,每年除夕家家户户都有燃放鞭炮的习俗,随着2022年春运工作拉开帷幕,乌鲁木齐国际机场较以往变得更加繁忙。那么,乘坐飞机可以携带烟花爆竹吗?让我们听听乌鲁木齐国际机场现场安检员是怎么说的。
    (Correspondent Wang Min) The Spring Festival is the most solemn of all the traditional festivals in the Chinese nation. Being influenced by Chinese culture, each and every family has the custom of setting off firecrackers every New Year's Eve. Urumqi International Airport has become busier than before as the start of the 2022 Spring Festival travel season. So, can we carry fireworks and crackers on the plane? Let's listen to what the on-site security inspectors at Urumqi International Airport said.
  • 当然是不可以的。根据中国民用航空局关于发布《民航旅客禁止随身携带和托运物品目录》的公告明确规定,能够造成人身严重伤害或者危及航空器安全的爆炸或燃烧装置(物质)或者可能被误认为是此类装置(物质)的物品,主要包括:烟火制品,如烟花爆竹、烟饼、黄烟、礼花弹等,禁止随身携带和托运。
    Of course not. According to the announcement of the Civil Aviation Administration of China on the promulgation of the Catalogue of Articles Prohibited from Carrying and Consigning by Civil Aviation Passengers, explosion or combustion devices (or substances) that can cause serious personal injury or endanger the safety of aerobat or the subjects may be mistaken for such devices mainly include pyrotechnic products, such as fireworks and crackers, cake tobacco, yellow tobacco, display shells, etc., which are prohibited from being carried and checked in.
  • 乌鲁木齐国际机场分公司安全检查总站温馨提示,乘坐飞机时易燃易爆物品禁止随身携带和托运。为了您和大家的安全,出行前请仔细检查携带的行李是否有违禁物品,以免影响您的出行。在做好疫情防控工作的同时,乌鲁木齐国际机场分公司安全检查总站各项工作都在有条不紊地进行。我们将通过提高工作效率,提升服务品质,践行真情服务,为广大旅客提供一个舒适便捷的安检环境,全力做好春运安全保障与服务工作。
    Warm reminds from Urumqi International Airport Branch's Security Inspection Station, inflammables and explosives are strictly not allowed to be carried or checked in when taking the plane. For the safety of you and other passengers, please carefully check your luggage before setting off to find out whether there are prohibited items, in case to affect your travel. While doing a good job in the prevention and control of the epidemic, all the work is being carried out systematically in the Security Inspection Station of Urumqi International Airport Branch. We will provide a comfortable and convenient security check environment for the vast number of passengers by increasing work efficiency, improving service quality, and practicing genuine service, and do our best to ensure the safety and service work of the Spring Festival.
  • 新疆机场集团乌鲁木齐国际机场分公司安全检查总站
    Xinjiang Airport Group Urumqi International Airport Branch Security Inspection Station
  • 王敏 13209961828
    Wang Min 13209961828

