Waste rail material recycling operation

黄朝心    吉林外国语大学
时间:2025-01-12 语向:中-英 类型:交通运输 字数:118
  • 废旧轨料回收作业
    Waste track material recovery operation
  • 连日来,哈尔滨工务段严密防范低温严寒给铁路运输带来的安全风险,严格执行标准化作业,全力抓好现实安全管控,确保管内线路平安畅通,为即将到来的春运奠定坚实基础。图为日前,该段职工在滨北线对换下的废旧轨料进行回收作业。孟庆庆 摄
    In recent days, the Harbin Railway Maintenance Section has been rigorously guarding against the safety risks posed to railway transportation by low temperatures and extreme cold. It has been strictly adhering to standardized operations and making every effort to firmly grasp the control of current safety. It ensures the safety and smoothness of the lines under its jurisdiction and lays a solid foundation for the upcoming Spring Festival travel rush. The photo shows the staff of the section conducts the recovery operation of the replaced waste track materials on Harbin-Bei'an Railway on a certain day recently. Photo by Meng Qingqing

