How a district’s focus on data is advancing student growth

田沙沙    西北民族大学
时间:2024-04-09 语向:英-中 类型:教育资讯 字数:897
  • How a district’s focus on data is advancing student growth
  • Key points:
  • Despite learning gaps, an Illinois school district consistently shows high growth
  • Why experts say now is the time to assess your district’s edtech use
  • 3 data management considerations for district leaders
  • For more news on district leadership, visit eSN’s Educational Leadership hub
  • How can district leaders and educators support student growth and effectively use data, in real time, to truly inform instruction and ensure high achievement?
  • Tracking student growth is particularly critical now, as the country inches further away from COVID but is still tied to the pandemic’s impact by lingering learning loss and equity gaps.
  • School District 81 in Schiller Park, a suburb of Chicago, is consistently one of the highest performing districts. In fact, the district’s student growth strategies are analyzed in-depth in a paper from NWEA. The district uses NWEA’s MAP Growth, part of NWEA’s Growth Activation Solution, to measure achievement and growth in K–12 math, reading, language usage, and science. Teachers use MAP data and its accurate, actionable evidence to inform instructional strategies regardless of how far students are above or below grade level.
    位于芝加哥郊区席勒公园的第81学区一直是表现最好的学区之一。事实上,NWEA 的一篇论文对该学区的学生成长策略进行了深入分析。该学区使用 NWEA 的 "成长激活解决方案"中的 "MAP 成长"来衡量 K-12 年级学生在数学、阅读、语言运用和科学方面的成绩和成长。无论学生的成绩高于或低于年级水平多少,教师都会使用 MAP 数据及其准确、可操作的证据来指导教学策略。
  • A former teacher, principal, and now in her 12th year as superintendent, Dr. Kim Boryszewski, Superintendent of Schools for Schiller Park, had a keen awareness of where the district needed to focus regarding student achievement, instruction, and guiding and building instructional leaders.
    席勒公园学校负责人Kim Boryszewski 博士曾担任过教师、校长,现在已是第 12 位学区总监,她敏锐地意识到该地区需要把重点放在学生成绩、教学、指导和培养教学领导方面。
  • “Early on, I knew we had to take a closer look at the MAP Growth tool and how we used that data to inform our instruction,” she said. Instead of giving a fall assessment, using data to inform instruction, and testing again in the spring to see if those interventions worked, Dr. Boryszewski decided to incorporate a third, mid-year assessment to ensure instructional changes and interventions based on data were actually making a different for students.
    她说:"很早以前,我就知道我们必须仔细研究 MAP 增长工具,以及我们如何利用这些数据来指导我们的教学。Boryszewski 博士决定在年中进行第三次评估而不是在秋季进行评估,以确保根据数据做出的教学改变和干预措施能够切实改变学生的状况,利用数据为教学提供依据,然后在春季再进行一次测试,看看这些干预措施是否奏效。
  • Critical to the success of that third assessment is educators’ ability to access, interpret, and act on the data they receive.
  • “A lot of us are given assessment tools, but we don’t teach our teachers and principals what they’re supposed to do with the information. You’re taking an incredible amount of time to administer this assessment, and then you don’t do anything with the data,” she said. “MAP is definitely a unique assessment, too—not only do you have the assessment, which adapts as students answer questions to give you a good snapshot of their instructional level, but then it gives you valuable information on what students need. I think that’s where a lot of districts fall off—by not explaining what you can do with that information and how you can use it to guide instruction.”
    “我们中的很多人都拿到了评估工具,但我们并没有教我们的教师和校长如何处理这些信息。你花了大量的时间来进行评估,却没有对数据做任何处理,“她说。“MAP 绝对也是一项独特的评估--它不仅能根据学生回答问题的情况对评估进行调整,让你对学生的教学水平有一个很好的了解,而且还能为你提供关于学生需要什么的有价值的信息。我认为这正是很多地区的不足之处,因为他们没有解释你可以利用这些信息做些什么,以及如何利用这些信息来指导教学。“
  • As in all districts, educators in Schiller Park are grappling with a significant number of achievement gaps post-pandemic. The MAP Growth tool has helped district leaders identify where those gaps are and where students need help. But it also helps identify those students who are performing above grade level, who could benefit from differentiation to help them reach their potential.
    与所有学区一样,席勒公园学区的教育工作者也在努力缩小大流行后的成绩差距。MAP 成长工具帮助学区领导找出了差距所在,以及学生需要帮助的地方。同时,该工具也帮助确定了那些成绩高于年级水平的学生,他们可以从差异化教学中获益,从而发挥自己的潜能。
  • “Not all kids are reading on grade level, so there has to be a tremendous amount of differentiation that goes on throughout a school day, in their content areas, to meet them where they are. A lot of times, the kids who are functioning above grade level miss out on opportunities to grow as much as they can, because they need something so unique to meet their growth targets,” Dr. Boryszewski said.
    “并不是所有孩子的阅读水平都能跟上年级,因此,在整个教学过程中,必须对他们的学习内容进行大量的分层教学,以满足他们的需要。Boryszewski 博士说:"很多时候,那些学习成绩高于年级水平的孩子会错过尽可能多的成长机会,因为他们需要一些独特的东西来达到他们的成长目标。
  • Data use remains central to the district’s mission to help all students reach their academic potential and thrive within their classrooms, schools, and in the district as a whole.
  • Unique in the district’s data use is how students are involved in discussions around their own data, their own academic growth, and their own MAP learning targets.
    该学区在数据使用方面的独特之处在于,学生如何围绕自己的数据、自己的学业成长以及自己的 MAP 学习目标参与讨论。
  • “You are what you talk about. We talk a lot with students about their MAP data. I meet with the building principals after each testing, we look at school and district data, and we talk about areas of improvements and success,” Dr. Boryszewski said.
    “你就是你所说的。我们经常与学生讨论他们的 MAP 数据。每次测试后,我都会与各楼的校长会面,我们会查看学校和学区的数据,并讨论需要改进和取得成功的地方,"Boryszewski 博士说。
  • These discussions trickle down through the district when principals talk about the same data points and goals with their teaching staff, and teachers, in turn, have discussions with their students.
  • “Students feel ownership in meeting their grade targets. We’re big advocates of students self-empowering—collaboration and innovation are expected,” she said. “They’re working across grade level with flex groups. We’re constantly pivoting and making changes in real time to ensure students are getting what they need. We all did our best [during the pandemic], but let’s be honest—we all have some work to do.”
  • Teachers in Schiller Park receive MAP Growth coaching and see it modeled regularly. They also receive strategies and tools to make it as easy as possible for them to use MAP Growth data to inform their instruction for all students.
    席勒公园校区的教师定期接受 MAP 成长指导并观看示范。他们还获得了各种策略和工具,使他们能够尽可能轻松地使用 MAP 增长数据来指导所有学生。
  • “We really need to be thoughtful and use our resources in a way that’s meaningful. I really think we’re doing that here every day. Our teachers work hard—there’s lots of thought, planning, and differentiation. We have outstanding instructional coaches.
  • “I think the most important work is done by our teachers and they do an outstanding job of rising to the occasion and really being student-centered educators. We ask a lot of them, they work hard here, and we’re so proud,” Dr. Boryszewski said.
    "我认为最重要的工作是由我们的教师来完成的,他们出色地完成了任务,真正成为了以学生为中心的教育者。我们对他们的要求很高,他们在这里努力工作,我们为他们感到骄傲,"Boryszewski 博士说。
  • “What’s your secret to success?” It’s a question Dr. Boryszewski hears more than a little.
    "你的成功秘诀是什么?" Boryszewski经常听到这样的问题。
  • “People ask what we’re doing,” she said. The answer is simple: We’re using our data.”

